Bitten by a bowl of Froot Loops
In one short half hour, Dean Flagel did one thing better than any other speaker so far: HE WAS HYSTERICAL. He followed up what was a semi-disappointing talk by Chuck Todd, one of my favorite reporters. There was not much insight that we had not already heard, and I was shocked when he threw his MSNBC colleagues under the bus in response to my question. (Props to him though, for coming out on no sleep after a long week of work). Shopping was okay, because well, I’m a guy and don’t care much. However, the tour of the Capitol was incredibly beautiful, especially the breathtaking artwork on the inside of the Dome. Hopefully we can get a straight story in the coming day or so about the details of the shooting just after we left. Interesting to say the least. One more day, hopefully one in which more memories will happen.
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