Just another onMason weblog

Final Blog Post

Take one long awaited press conference, add in Hugh Fink, throw in some good music, some Dean Flagel, some partyboying of the staff, and group pics……not a bad day at all.

Props to Dean Flagel: Pizza at 12:05? So where do I send my application essay?

Bitten by a bowl of Froot Loops

In one short half hour, Dean Flagel did one thing better than any other speaker so far: HE WAS HYSTERICAL. He followed up what was a semi-disappointing talk by Chuck Todd, one of my favorite reporters. There was not much insight that we had not already heard, and I was shocked when he threw his MSNBC colleagues under the bus in response to my question. (Props to him though, for coming out on no sleep after a long week of work). Shopping was okay, because well, I’m a guy and don’t care much. However, the tour of the Capitol was incredibly beautiful, especially the breathtaking artwork on the inside of the Dome. Hopefully we can get a straight story in the coming day or so about the details of the shooting just after we left. Interesting to say the least. One more day, hopefully one in which more memories will happen.

A Not So Clever Title (it’s 11:26…….)

Considering that we “killed” the blog last night and the fact that I am exhausted from today, my blog will not very spectacular tonight. By far, Jonathan Martin and Kathy Orton made today a great day for learning. Their insight really started to change my mind about how to get into the journalism field. However, the pattern of speakers comments continued as Ms. Orton talked of how we could save her job, while the younger Mr. Martin declared the end of newspapers as a viable option and called for new media online. Our night wrapped with a theoretical website activity and a mesmerizing trip around DC at night (more time would have been nice, but it’s okay). Hopefully tomorrow will be filled with even more stories from our speakers, guests, and tour of the Capitol Building.

See you at 6:45………again



WWII memorial at night…incredible

Pippert: Leaving the Past Behind

This morning’s speaker was Wes Pippert, formerly of UPI. For over an hour and a half, Pippert described his thoughts on journalistic truth. I enjoyed the speaker but did not find him as engaging as Brian Lamb.

blurry...my bad

Lamb: Competitive Future Ahead

Against a background where jobs are disappearing and the future of print media looks bleak, CSPAN’s founder Brian Lamb had a bold prediction for our wide-eyed group: the future will be competitive. For about an hour and a half, Lamb conducted an unorthodox but entertaining interview in which he brought members of the audience  up for a question and answer session. Topics ranged from facebook to CSPAN to Stephen Colbert, and Lamb delivered the laughs and anecdotes one after the other.

It will be very hard for any of the speakers to top that in my book. If Mr. Lamb had a TV show, I would watch it any day of the week. His sly sense of humor took the nervous edge off the crowd and made the time enjoyable. I can only hope that the rest of the speakers are as engaging and entertaining as Lamb.

P.S. Who decided to have wake-up call at 5:30? Honestly…

Brian Lamb speaks to correspondents on Sunday night
Brian Lamb speaks to correspondents on Sunday night